CREDAI-MCHI Women’s Wing meeting held on 18th May, 2021 on the zoom platform with new and old members for an official Virtual Interactive Session to discuss various agenda points.
Members attended:
- Ms. Richa Shah
- Ms. Sonal Shah
- Ms. Sejal Goradia
- Ms. Falguni Shah
- Ms. Mona Ajmera
- Ms Jesal Shah
- Ms Rupal Kanakia
- Ms Alka Doshi
- Binitha Dalal
Ms Sonal Shah briefed on the various initiatives undertaken in Womens Wing to all the members .
- CREDAI-MCHI Women’s Wing has raised funds and have handed over 161 students education scholarship pursuing Civil Engineering, Architecture and Vocational Courses (Diploma in Constructions) of Rs 60,23,961 from the financial academic year 2016 to 2021 in various colleges in Mumbai .
- Cancer Awareness Camp was conducted on 10 March,2021 at Kalpataru-Avana at Parel for 250 workers.
- Looking forward to the New Initiative – Economic Scholarship for women in Skilled Jobs in Real Estate.
The core committee had a meeting with Mr Amjad Shamsi- Contractor how we can promote the participation of women in the workforce through appropriate skilling and gender mainstreaming of skills in Mumbai sites and how we can take it forward. They would be meeting more contractors to understand the feedback and viewpoint of the contractor .
Had another meeting Ms Archana Badera MCHI of Pune Pune convener and Ms Pallavi from Kaushal in reference to Skill Development Training workshops for women at site .
Ms Sonal Shah requested all the members to share their ideas and viewpoint for this new initiative for uplifting the women in skilled jobs
Getting women on site is very challenging .Visiting at our respective sites and encourage the male site workers to get their spouse/sister to work at site .
To have a training programme for women in housekeeping services where some women may not be comfortable working at site as they have to complete the working hours under the contractor policy .
Women can be trained under skill development through Kushal in Bricklaying, painting and plastering .
To have a session/seminar for women on domestic violence.
Ms Rupal Kanakia also informed that she has a Gau Shalla ( Cow Shelter ) where the women make the diyas and incense sticks . There are also men who are making Ganesh Idols .So members who want women to be trained , we can connect and get them trained .
Members also suggested that we need to keep a virtual coffee session on zoom for our women’s wing group and invite the spouses from the managing committee group and let every member introduce themselves for a minute so it would be more interactive . Also we need to send some gift hampers before inviting them during such virtual interactive meetings .
CREDAI-MCHI Women’s Wing meeting was held on 18th May, 2021 on the zoom platform with new and old members for an official Virtual Interactive Session to discuss various agenda.
Members were briefed on initiatives undertaken by Womens Wing to all, on Education Scholarship to Students , Health camps , events and new initiative for uplifting the women in skilled jobs. In the interactive session all their members shared their views and way forward.